Holes Opened in The Rhythm of Times

The Exhibition is open during Musrara Mix (28-30.5 from 19:30-23:00 PM)
The featured works address moments in which the linear temporal sequence becomes faint or dimmed, stretches or contracts: distinct moments that occur outside of time, as it were, in “air pockets” which reside at the heart of sites that have collapsed, burned, been shaken or destroyed. Philosopher Henri Bergson (1859–1941) distinguished between two perceptions of time: objective “scientific” time, which is measured in hours, and subjective “duration” (durée)—inner “pure time,” the lived time of consciousness; the figment of one’s mind, it differs in essence from the spatialized time accommodating objects external to us.
Shirley Wegner, Ronen Zien, Gal Yaari, Amir Tomashov, Ayelet Carmi, Meirav Heiman.
Associate artist: Samira Saraya
Curator: Shira Friedman